"Life is a constant struggle between being an individual and being a member of the community." - Sherman Alexie

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Let's Tie It In A Bow

This will be my last blog post. I have enjoyed the literary works, poems, films and dialogues with the class. The last novel that we read was The Institutionist by Colson Whitehead. Lila Mae Watson was the main character who struggled with being a black woman in her era, and in her place of employment. Her dilemma was much like that of the woman in a film we were asked to view, "For Colored Girls". If you haven't seen it yet, whether you're a woman of color or not, you should.

One of the most important lines of the film, describes in so much detail what Whitehead wanted us to see was Watson's dilemma.
"Being Colored is a metaphysical dilemma that I haven't conquered yet"; such a profound statement made by actress Thandie Newton. Lila Mae was the first Black Elevator Inspector, and woman. However, as we continued the read it became obvious that these were "theoretical" elevators.

This novel was chocked full of suspense, drama, racial satire, and religion. I enjoyed following the mental journey that Whitehead took us on. It was as if you had to get into character so to speak to even understand where he was going with each scene, and flashback.

I hope that everyone that took this class has become more culturally aware, and has found something valid to take away from this multicultural literature class. I have enjoyed it.

I wish everyone good fortune. Have a wonderful Holiday Season. Merry Christmas!!!

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